Avalanche vs Snowball Case Study


Avalanche or Snowball? Which Debt Payoff Method is REALLY The Best??

Our case study uses some sample credit card debts with a range of interest rates and applies them to 3 separate scenarios -smallest balance 1st, smallest interest rate 1st or savings account, to see which one works out best.

Avalanche or Snowball? Which Debt Payoff Method is REALLY The Best??
Debt Snowball or debt avalanche?
There is so much misinformation out there in this avalanche or snowball debate – so which debt payoff method is REALLY the best – Any ideas?

Most people generally think that it’s the Snowball (smallest balance 1st) but before you potentially throw loads of your hard earned money down the drain how would you like some actual proof for a change?

Our case study uses some sample card balances with a range of interest rates and applies them to 3 separate scenarios to see which one works out best.