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Quotes About Money From "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"

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“A nice car and a nice house don’t necessarily mean you’re rich or you know how to make money.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “By not giving in to your emotions, you were able to delay your reactions and think. Share on X “Emotions are what make us human. The word ‘emotion’ stands for ‘energy in motion.’ Be truthful about your emotions and use your mind and emotions in your favor, not against yourself.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “Fear pushes you out the door, and desire calls to you. That’s the trap.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “I don’t work for money! Money works for me!”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “I’m not interested in money,” or “Money doesn’t matter.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “If you choose to work for money, that is what life will be like,”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “If you learn life’s lessons, you will do well. If not, life will just continue to push you around. Share on X “If you learn this lesson, you will grow into a wise, wealthy, and happy young man. If you don’t, you will spend your life blaming a job, low pay, or your boss for your problems. You’ll live life always hoping for that big break… Share on X “If you want something, work for it.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “If you want to be rich, you have to learn to make money.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “If you’re the kind of person who has no guts, you just give up every time life pushes you. If you’re that kind of person, you’ll live all your life playing it safe, doing the right things, saving yourself for some event that never… Share on X “In fact, the reason many rich people are rich isn’t because of desire, but because of fear.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X "Quotes About Money from Rich Dad Poor Dad Share on X" “Learning to have money work for you is a completely different course of study.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Quotes About Money from Rich Dad Poor Dad Share on X “Money is power.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “Most people have a price. And they have a price because of human emotions named fear and greed.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Quotes About Money from Rich Dad Poor Dad Share on X “Study hard so you can find a good company to work for.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “Taxes are just one small section on learning how to have money work for you.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “Taxes punish those who produce and reward those who don’t produce.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Quotes About Money from Rich Dad Poor Dad Share on X “Unfortunately, for many people school is the end, not the beginning.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X “What intensifies fear and desire is ignorance. That is why rich people with lots of money often have more fear the richer they get. Money is the carrot, the illusion.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Quotes About Money from Rich Dad Poor Dad Share on X “You’re taxed when you earn. You’re taxed when you spend. You’re taxed when you save. You’re taxed when you die.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X A human’s life is a struggle between ignorance and illumination.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X A job is really a short-term solution to a long-term problem.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Avoid that trap. Not just to be rich, because being rich does not solve the problem.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Avoid the trap caused by those two emotions, fear and desire. Use them in your favor, not against you.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Don’t let money run your life.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Expand your point of view so you can see something most people never have the benefit of seeing because their vision is too narrow. Most people never see the trap they are in.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X History proves that great civilizations collapse when the gap between the haves and have-nots is too great.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X I’ve worked hard for the government, and I’m entitled to these benefits-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X I’ve worked hard for the government, and I’m entitled to these benefits.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X If you don’t first handle fear and desire, and you get rich, you’ll only be a highly paid slave.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X If you learn life’s lessons, you will do well. If not, life will just continue to push you around.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X It is ignorance about money that causes so much greed and fear.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X It’s easier to learn to work for money, especially if fear is your primary emotion when the subject of money is discussed.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X It’s fear that keeps most people working at a job. Most people become a slave to money— and then get angry at their boss.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X "Quotes About Money from Rich Dad Poor Dad Share on X" Keep going. Don’t quit.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Learn to manage risk.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Learning how to have money work for you is a lifetime study. Most people go to college for four years, and their education ends. -Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Life is the best teacher of all. Most of the time, life does not talk to you. It just sort of pushes you around. Each push is life saying, ‘Wake up. There’s something I want you to learn.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Master the power of money, instead of being afraid of it. They don’t teach that in school and, if you don’t learn it, you become a slave to money.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Money is running their lives, and they refuse to tell the truth about that. Money is in control of their emotions and their souls.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Most people have a price. And they have a price because of human emotions named fear and greed.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Most people want everyone else in the world to change but themselves.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Quotes About Money from Rich Dad Poor Dad Share on X Most people, given more money, only get into more debt.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Most will spend the best years of their lives working for money, not really understanding what it is they are working for.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X My brain gets stronger every day because I exercise it. The stronger it gets, the more money I can make.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X My house is a liability, and if your house is your largest investment, you’re in trouble.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Never forget that fear and desire can lead you into life’s biggest trap if you’re not aware of them controlling your thinking.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Our home is our largest investment and our greatest asset.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X People do two things. Some just let life push them around. Others get angry and push back. They do not know it’s life that’s pushing.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X People’s lives are forever controlled by two emotions: fear and greed.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X So many people who say, ‘Oh, I’m not interested in money.’ Yet they’ll work at a job for eight hours a day. That’s a denial of truth-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X So many people who say, ‘Oh, I’m not interested in money.’ Yet they’ll work at a job for eight hours a day. That’s a denial of truth.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Struggle is a moment-to-moment decision—to learn to open or close one’s mind.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X The avoidance of money is just as psychotic as being attached to money.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X The lack of money is the root of all evil.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X The love of money is the root of all evil.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X The people exploit themselves. It’s their fear, not mine.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X There is a difference between being poor and being broke. Broke is temporary. Poor is eternal.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X They feel the fear of not having money. They don’t confront it logically. They react emotionally instead of using their heads.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X They wonder why they have money problems. They think that more money will solve the problem and don’t realize that it’s their lack of financial education that is the problem.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X To live a life dictated by the size of a paycheck is not really living a life.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X To spend your life living in fear, never exploring your dreams, is cruel.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X True learning takes energy, passion, and a burning desire. Anger is a big part of that formula, for passion is anger and love combined. When it comes to money, most people want to play it safe and feel secure. So passion does not… Share on X tudy hard so you can find a good company to buy.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X We only memorize historical dates and names, not the lesson.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X "Quotes About Money from Rich Dad Poor Dad Share on X" We’re all employees ultimately. We just work at different levels.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X You’re taxed when you earn. You’re taxed when you spend. You’re taxed when you save. You’re taxed when you die.-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X Your emotions are your emotions, but you have got to learn to do your own thinking.”-Rich Dad Poor Dad,Robert T. Kiyosaki Share on X


  • linzibee-headshot

    Hi, I'm Lindsey and I really love helping people & businesses get their money organised & their systems optimised. (I'm a bit weird I know) I have an MBA in finance & have been a self-employed management consultant since 2013. I've been super privileged to work on a wide range of projects in that time & each one has been an amazing opportunity to learn something new. This site aims to create a bank for that knowledge so that you can shortcut your journey to success & hopefully skip all the mistakes that I made!

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